Lebanon is making great strides to catch up to the renowned exporters of avocados in the world. In fact, the country’s exports of avocados have grown from USD 533,000 in 2012 to 3.3 million in 2020, presenting a great opportunity to satisfy the remaining untapped potential and to enter new promising markets.
Interestingly, Lebanon has a great opportunity to increase its market share in Europe and the Middle East.
This report provides an overview of Lebanon’s current production and exports of avocados, its position in the international markets, and the available opportunities to enhance the country’s export potential with an overall aim of strengthening Lebanese exporters’ capacities and competitiveness.
Harvest Calendar in Lebanon
Figure 2. Leading Exporters for Avocados 2020
Table 1 Overview of avocados harvest windows in the world’s leading production countries
Table 2 List of supplying markets for a product imported by the most potential European markets in 2020
Table 3 Top 6 potential European export markets for avocados from Lebanon
Table 4 Top potential (existing) export markets for avocados from Lebanon