As shown in Figure 2, the largest exporters of avocados worldwide are Mexico, Peru, Spain, Chili, and Kenya. Within the MENA region, Morocco and Israel are important avocados exporters.
Lebanon's exports represent about 0.04% of world exports for this product, its ranking in world exports is 20 (trade hubs excluded).
Lebanon is mainly in competition with the other supplying countries from the Middle East and in terms of import tariffs applied worldwide, avocados trade can be considered as a level playing field.
There is one main exception: Israel’s zero tariff access to the European Union, against 5-8% for other supplying countries from the Middle East.
Largest Avocados producers
By far, the largest producer and exporter of avocado globally is Mexico, with 3 times the production and exports of its closest rival, Peru. The top six producers, namely Mexico, Peru, Spain, Chile, Kenya, Colombia account for 50% of global production volumes).
Largest producers in the Mediterranean region
The three largest avocado producers in the Mediterranean region are Spain (approximately 94,000 tonnes), Morocco (approximately 54,000 tonnes) and Israel (approximately 100,000 tonnes). Turkey, the top regional producer for most fruit crops, has limited avocado production (approximately 4,000 tonnes) due to its climate conditions. Lebanon for example produces 8,000 tonnes of avocados, double the output of Turkey.
Lebanon’s avocados harvest season is from December till May as shown in Table 1, whereas in the regional competitive countries it’s from January till May in Spain and from December till April in Morocco and Israel. Thus, there is a window for the Lebanese avocados in December and May. Furthermore, if we analyze the import of avocados in the top importers EU countries, in Table 2 we can spot a decrease in import from Morocco and Israel starting May.
Figure 2. Leading Exporters for Avocados 2020
Table 1 Overview of avocados harvest windows in the world’s leading production countries
Table 2 List of supplying markets for a product imported by the most potential European markets in 2020