The world total import value of avocados has been steadily increasing during the period 2016 to 2020 reaching almost
USD 7.2 billion in 2020. As the figure below shows, the United States is by far the largest importer in the world and its
import value increased by 28% in the period 2016-2020. Canada is also a prominent avocado importer internationally.
The European region is one of the largest importing market of avocados after the US. The main importers in the EU are:
Netherlands, France, Spain, Germany and UK.
As for the Asian market, Japan is the main importer of avocado, followed by Russia and China.
Interestingly, the per capita imports statistics of 2020 (see Figure 4, below) showed that Norway, Iceland, Denmark,
Luxembourg and Switzerland topped in avocado consumption. It also shows the huge potential for growth in countries
with still low per capita consumption, such as France, the United Kingdom, Germany, or United Arab Emirates.
Avocados is a promising product. For the next years, the avocado market is expected to grow, reaching a total market size
of USD18 billion by 2025. Besides, the price for avocados has continued to rise and is expected to stay high. It is estimated
that the per capita consumption of avocado will experience a further growth in the years to come, with notable potential
for growth in several European markets. Even in the USA, given that only about 50% of North Americans consume
avocados, experts assume that it is still possible that import volumes will double, provided the market attains supply chain
and price stability.
Though the GCC markets do not compare to the mass of North America and Europe, the small market experienced
increases in demand during the period 2016-2019. However, the imported value decreased in 2020, caused by
the persisting COVID-19 pandemic on both the production and distribution channels. Lebanon mainly exports its
avocados to Egypt, Jordan and GCC (primarily Saudi Arabia and UAE).
In terms of per capita consumption, the UAE and Qatar stand out with more than twice the consumption of the other
countries such as Bahrain and Kuwait. The Figure 6 below shows there is still a lot of growth possible in many of the GCC