Cherry is a relatively expensive stone fruit. It is on average 3-4 times more expensive than peach, plum and apricot. Cherry accounts for about 46% of all world trade in stone fruit in value although the share of cherries in exports quantity is much more modest – only 19%. Despite that, the world export value growth of cherries has significantly outstripped the growth of the other stone fruits trade. On average, the world exports of cherries has grown by on average about USD360 thousand every year in the period 2016-2020. It shows that the global cherries trade is a vibrant market.
Lebanon has a wide assortment of fruits, nuts and vegetables with potential for high-end markets, either in the region or in Europe. Lebanese traders exporting table grapes, avocados, citrus fruit or potatoes, usually also export other products. Taking into consideration the obstacles in the value chains that have to be solved and the impact thereof on the sector, cherries have opportunities.
Lebanon export of cherries have seen a slow but gradual upward trend in the past decade. While until 2015 exports did not go much beyond USD 1 million, in 2015 it reached more than USD2 million and in 2016 it peaked at more than USD 3 million. Since then, exports have reached at least USD2.4 million per year.
This report provides an overview of Lebanon’s current production and exports of cherries, its position in the international markets, and the available opportunities to enhance the country’s export potential with an overall aim of strengthening Lebanese exporters’ capacities and competitiveness.
Figure 1. Top export markets for cherries from Lebanon between the years 2018-2020 - Source: ITC Trademap data
Figure 2. Leading Exporters for Cherries 2020
Table 2 Overview of cherries harvest windows in the world’s leading production countries
Table 3 List of supplying markets for a product imported by the most potential European markets in 2020
Table 4 – Top 7 potential export markets for cherries from Lebanon.